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 Oh boy this one. This was my thesis project. It holds an awkward place in my heart currently as my strongest effort and largest achievement, and yet it doesn’t quite reach the point I was grasping for. I’ve had ideas for comics for a long time, long before entering art college. What stopped me from making them was the feeling that I wasn’t quite there yet, that I hadn’t done enough figure studies or landscapes, that the overall quality of my technique would never achieve what I was working for. So for my senior year thesis project, the project meant to showcase the product of my study and work, I decided to take a crack at one of my longer story ideas.

Twenty six pages in nearly three months was a feat. For reference, thesis projects required four to six pieces. I quadrupled that. I feel some pride in that. But I still cringe at every mistake. Going into this project I knew I wasn’t quite capable of achieving my ambitions. But I knew I had to attempt to, that’s the only way I will learn and get better. In the end I see this piece as a prototype, and soon I will go back to this story and remake it at a slower pace now that there’s no deadlines.


The Head That Hungers


The Halls of the Weasel King