The Wisdom of Age
‘nother silly dumb one to remind people of my existence while I work on slower stuff.
The Mark Part 3 (rough)
8 pages in three weeks, not terrible. Though I was originally hoping for fully rendered but ah well. That will probably get posted in like a month. In the mean time I’ll go back to posting weekly dumb comics.
The Mark, Part 1 (rough)
Originally I was hoping to make more headway on my next attempt at a big “story of woll” comic (have a better name in the works). But then I got an idea for a spooky 8 pager. Was hoping to have the first 3 pages finished today, but turns out I am a slow artist. Expect the next 3 pages in a similar state next week.
Character Designs
I’m going to a convention tomorrow, so the likelihood of this website getting visited is much higher than usual. As a result, I oughta post some cool stuff. So here’s some character designs for a more ambitious comic I’ve got cooking up.
A Brighter Future
People like to compare ai art replacing artists to machines replacing yarn spinners and weavers. Because, like with textiles, you will literally die without an eternal font of slop content.
Mental Health Care
Say no to a certain prescription and it’s like your refusing to hold their baby.
Riddles of the Sphinx
In Oblivion, there was a treasure riddle for a house you could buy: “I am two bodies joined as one, the longer I stand the faster I run”. An hourglass. The thing is, there are a bunch of hourglasses in the house you can pick up with no treasure. You end up second guessing yourself, thinking maybe it’s something else. But really, it was an hourglass, it was just also just hidden in a ceiling rafter. So that riddle doesn’t actually help at all, does it.
Tales from Art School: Ideas Guy
This was the real intro to my first focused illustration class. It did not inspire confidence.